The name MAYOUTIK is inspired from the Greek word MAIEUTICS / meɪˈjuːtɪks , a Socratic Method of Electing Knowledge by questioning and insistence up on close and logical reasoning.
MAYOUTIK Is an innovative responsible E-coaching company based in the Netherlands. We are working with international organisations willing to preform or to help their teams to work in harmony and achieve their objectives. We work as well with individuals willing to integrate the professional market, to start their business or simply to preform in their career.

Thanks to the evolution of work culture, new coaching practices were developed in a way to adapt to people’s situations and their rythm of lives. The coaching became more and more done remotely. During the global sanitary situation COVID 19, the E-coaching has dramtically increased like many other disciplines and we beleive that it is the future of sustainable development. At MAYOUTIK , we beleive that everyone deserve a chance to develop himself in order to reach his/her objectives and to be succefull. Hence, our vision is to make the coaching accessible to everyone no matter where they are. Today, we are operational in Europe and Africa and we are willing to expand it worldwide.

Also, as entrepreneur who took and still taking challenges and going now and then out of comfort zone from changing companies, starting own businesses to changing countries… I also know what courage it needs to make the first step.
As a professional coach, my role is to support individuals to reach their leadership potential, to launch their business, to forge sustainable success while finding harmony with their talents, values, visions and goals.
MAYOUTIK offers a range of coaching programmes that meet the need of a range of creatives and high achievers, from entrepreneurs, mangers, freelancers, new business owners … So wherever you are right now, We can help you to develop your strengths, strategies and self-confidence to succeed and design the future you want.